
Flange NEMA 24 - 60 mm x 60 mm
Rotor inertia 300 [g.cm²]
Power supply voltage 18 [Vac] ÷ 56 [Vac]
Separated logic power supply 24 [Vcc] ÷ 24 [Vcc]
Bipolar holding torque 165 [Ncm] min.
Output current 0.0 [A/ph rms] ÷ 4.2 [A/ph rms] 0.0 [A/ph peak] ÷ 6.0 [A/ph peak]
Control mode CANBus CANopen
Digital inputs 4 digital optoisolated inputs 200 kHz 5 Vdc line driver or 24 Vdc PNP.
Digital outputs 2 digital optoisolated outputs PNP, 24 Vdc - 100 mA.
Analog inputs 1 analogic input(potentiometer or ±10Vdc)
Open or Close loop Open loop
Step resolution Stepless Control Technology (65536 emulated positions per turn)
Safety protections Over / under-voltage, over current, over temperature,short-circuit phase / phase and phase / phase ground
Operative temperature 0 [°C]÷ 50 [°C]
Storage temperature 0 [°C] ÷ +55 [°C]
Humidity 0 [%] ÷ 90 [%]
Dimensions H x L x W 124,0 [mm] x 60,0 [mm] x 110,5 [mm]
Weight 1,62
Protection class IP65


• Control mode

• Velocity control mode

• Different positioning Control Modes (homing, relative, absolute, target)

• Electric Gear with programmable gear ratio to track external master reference (from fieldbus or incremental encoder) of motor Speed and Position

• High speed I/O triggered motor start & stop to event syncronizing for fast response demanding application: labeling, nick_finder, on fly cut., etc...

• Multi Axis movements syncronization capability

•On fly change among any Motion Module Control Modes •On fly Electric Gear Enable/Disable capability

• Control of the drives by commands from the Master Controller. Suitable for Multi-Axis Systems (up to 127 drives). Integrates all the features of the Power Motion Module that ensures perfect synchronization between the axes and reduces the workload of th

• Programming and debugging of the drive through Service SCI. For this purpose, the SM4A_SERV00-EE soft-start kit is available, including converters and cables from service serial to RS485 and from RS485 to USB. The kit is accompanied by a CD-Rom with eeP

Main Features

● Multiple Control Modes

● With Advanced Safety Features: √ integrated diagnostics and monitoring of faults √ separate power supply for logic and power √ error buffer and field management

● Stepless control technology

● Low motor vibrations

● Compact size

● Low mechanical noise

● No resonance

● IP65 Protection

● Low heat generation

● High reliability

● AC Power supply

● High speed and torque


 Code       Description                     
 SM4A3KIT-01Connectors kit with 100 cm. cable                      
 SM4A3KIT-C01Connectors kit for cabling  


 Code       Description                     
 SM4A_SERV00-EE      Software kit for programming the drive with e3PLC Studio + 200 cm. serial cable with serial/USB converter

The SM4 line is a series of vectorial full digital drives with an integrated 50-poles motor, with local logic, programmable and equipped with PLC functionality. Suitable for use in 'stand alone' mode and connected to HMI touch screen for application parameters, these units have a serial interface (Modbus-RTU) for programming and debugging the application thanks to the eePLC Studio software environment which allows the user to access all the functions and resources of the device and to manage and synchronize the Movement Module and the resources of other drives with each process event. They also have ready-to-use and easily customizable modules such as: label management, cam management, cable processing, plate orientation, adjustment of printing registers and others.
Motors with Integrated Electronics > Smart Stepper Motors > Programmables > SM4A342PC272CN0c0390

CANopen is a standard communication protocol widely used in the industrial automation fields. First developed for use with CAN fieldbus, it has also been applied to other types of fieldbuses such as Ethercat CoE.

Ever Motion solutions programmable drives represent something new: they integrate a real PLC on the drive to be able to create complex automations with a single device.

Thanks to the ELSE technology integrated in the Ever Motion Solutions drives motors current control is so high that vibrations, resonances and noises don’t exist anymore.

The innovative f4d2 technology allows the motor’s excitation at high efficiency chopper thanks to the calculations speed for the current regulation performed by the drive's microprocessor and thanks to a proprietary patented algorithm.

Nowadays modern machines have to be flexible and adjustable to the production needs, quickly and easily. The use of the electric cam allows the reproduction of automatisms that, in the past, could only be obtained by a precise -but not very flexible- mechanical cams.


Real time programming through serial service interface


Real time programming through serial service interface

Motors with Integrated Electronics > Smart Stepper Motors > Programmables > SM4A342PC272CN0c0390

Mechanical drawing

Dimensions in mm

Motors with Integrated Electronics > Smart Stepper Motors > Programmables > SM4A342PC272CN0c0390

Related product to SM4A342PC272CN0c0390
IDE environment for the Linea Titanio drives programming.

IDE environment for the Linea Titanio drives programming.

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