Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)

Conditions for the repair service

To increase the transparency of our business relationships and to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings, we define modalities and costs for our assistance and repair service.

Ever does not accept any material returned without authorization number (RMA).

  1. When sending the product to our repair department, the customer implicity authorizes the preliminary testing of it, necessary to verify the existence, entity and reparability of the reported malfunction.
  2. In case that the general warranty conditions cannot be applied, 80,= Euro of fixed costs will be charged to the customer for the execution of the preliminary test necessary to determine the repair estimation cost. The fixed costs are also charged when the customer doesn't accept the estimation cost or for other reasons, such as the absence of the reported damage, when repair of the product is not convenient for the customer from the economic point of view or when the repair is impossible.

In order to avoid unnecessary costs, we kindly ask you, before sending the product to us for repair, to evaluate if it is convenient for you to send the product for preliminary testing, according to the purchasing price of the concerning product.

General repair conditions:

  • Fixed fee for preliminary test: Euro 80,= (in case the warranty conditions are not valid). Ever reserves the right to request this payment in advance before issuing the estimation cost;
  • Hourly labour rate: standard Euro 80,= ; urgent Euro 120,=;
  • Material costs: as indicated in the estimation cost;
  • Repair time: unless indicated otherwise, 5 working days from the acceptance date of the estimation cost;
  • Payment: at acceptance of the estimation cost, unless otherwise agreed with our commercial office;
  • Transport: at your charge;
  • If we do not receive your acceptance of the estimation cost within ONE MONTH from the date of receiving the product to be repaired, we are implicitly authorized to return the not repaired product to you charging 80,= Euro for the execution of the preliminary test.

Please send the product with a delivery note for repair to:

Ever Motion Solutions srl
Via del Commercio, 9/11
26900 - L O D I - Italy
P.IVA / C.F.: 13887430968

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